Belmont Monuments Inc. | 28A Trapelo Road, Belmont, MA 02478 | 617 - 489 - 0100
Upright Monument:
The most common form of memorial in a cemetery, consisting of two pieces the top known as the die and the bottom known as the base.
Slant Marker:
These stand about 14"- 20" high and the face slants back about 45 degrees.
Mail Box Post:
A 8" thick granite post that comes with or without a mailbox and bracket.
A large granite structure with a bronze door with or without a window.
Hitching Post:
A granite post in many sizes that can be used to mark driveways, walkways or property lines.
Civic Memorials:
A monument dedicated to a specific organization or cause put on public display.
Ceramic Photos:
A porcelain frame that has a photo attached to it that comes in many shapes and sizes.
Laser Etching:
The process of engraving a detailed picture, symbol or scene on a memorial.

Flat Marker:
These lie flush with the earth and are standard 24" x 12" but can be made to any size depending on the cemetery.
Bronze Marker:
Cast from bronze these lie flush with the earth or can be mounted on the back of an upright monument.
Light Post:
A 7 foot high granite post with a hole drilled through the center to allow electrical wires to be passed.
Made from granite, this can be used either as a memorial in a cemetery, a park or on your own private property.
Pet Memorial:
A monument dedicated to the loss of a family loved pet.
Granite Signs:
A free standing granite sign that can be engraved with your company name and logo.
That process of cutting granite with high pressure air and sand that can be done on existing memorials in their current location.
The process of washing granite with either a chemical wash or using high pressure sand and air.